In the first chapter, we studied the doctrinal roots of the Kardecist spiritism in the 19th century. We verified strong identifications of the Spiritism with the European illuminist and liberal principles, especially from France, in the statements of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Montesquieu, Alexis of Tocqueville, and of the Englishman John Stuart Mill. This is an important consideration, as its Brazilian manifestation found
impediments, in the 19th and 20th centuries, - during the Empire, and after the
proclamation of the republic - both from the Catholic Church in particular, and from
the anti-liberalists in general. In the second chapter, we will map the moments of
tension between segmentation and union, in the spiritist field, its relationship with the Catholic hegemony, and, finally, the appearance of new matrices, starting from the decline of that hegemony. In the third chapter, we will make a travel into the spiritistic associative universe, its internal non-sacerdotal organization, based on forms of representation, vote, and discussion, and finally in the adhesion to democratic rules of conduction of the decisory processes. In the chapter four, we will deepen the matrix of the Third Sector and of the citizenship. We will also see that this
organization has to do with the New Associativism, that appeared in Brazil after the
redemocratization, in the decade of 1980s. We will deepen the analysis of its modernization and growing identification with the Third Sector, as well as the way in
which takes place the appropriation of the term “citizenship” to its language. Finally,
in the conclusion, we will see that the original political elaboration of the Kardecism is
combined with the public face of the actual spiritistic field, as well as its contribution
to the social democratization.
Key words: Kardecism, democracy, liberalism, field, identity, citizenship, third sector.
If you want to receive a copy of this work in full version send a requirement to fernandaflavia.mf@gmail.com .
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